Mosquito Net – Roll System Mosquito Net


This fitment system is an innovative product that rolls up and disappears into an aluminum section when opened. And could be easily pulled down and locked at the bottom when mosquito protection is needed. It need not be closed all the time and could be rolled down only when needed. This system employs braking technology that helps the mesh roll up in a slow pace when retracted and doesnt speedily open with a thud at the top. It also employs a self cleaning mechanism that cleans the mesh and the rollers every time the mesh is rolled up and down. This keeps the mechanism from getting jammed due to accumulation of dust.


Roll System Mosquito Net

Mosquito Mesh for Windows and Doors

The mosquito season has started and parents have started to worry about the safety of their children from mosquitoes. With the rising health hazards from mosquito borne diseases, children face a constant threat from life threatening viral fevers spread by mosquitoes. As usual when the mosquito season starts, advertisements for liquidators, smoke coils and vaporizers start to appear on media. But ironically people fail to understand that its not wise to allow mosquitoes inside your living spaces and then trying to protect your children from getting bitten. When there are options to cover all the doors and windows with mosquito mesh in numerous fitment options that suit all budgets, why take a risk?

Phifer Mosquito Nets

Phifer consumer products make it easy to enjoy the outdoors from inside. The world’s largest screening producer, Phifer offers a wide variety of mosquito net for windows and insect screens and exterior solar screens to help keep out mosquitoes, bugs and solar heat while preserving the view. Interior sun control fabrics help reduce solar heat and create soft, usable indoor light.

Mosquito Net for Windows

Mosquito Net for Doors